IIAS (International Institute of Advanced Studies) School of Management is an Indian-based institution with campuses in Kolkata, Siliguri and Goa that offers a range of courses in hospitality and tourism. The Taylor's School of Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts (HTCA) initially signed an inbound articulation agreement with IIAS in early-2015 to facilitate the movement of IIAS students to complete their studies at Taylor's University. We are now looking at proceeding with an international partnership programme which will enable IIAS offer a Dual Award Bachelor Degree in International Hospitality Management in India. The Dean of HTCA, Mr. Neethia Ari Ragavan, recently travelled to India with his colleague Dato Sarjit Singh and also the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dr. Pradeep Nair to further the discussions with IIAS - and to sign an MoU to further progress the next stage of the relationship. The plan is to launch the dual award programme in India in August 2016 in. For more information about the School of Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts click here.